date: 01.20.2025
product: Captain Lavender by Medbh McGuckian

did not like this book. it's a word-salad poetry book, not my favorite type of poetry.
utopian entrepreneur by brenda laurel
date: 01.20.2025
product: Captain Lavender by Medbh McGuckian
did not like this book. it's a word-salad poetry book, not my favorite type of poetry.
date: 12.12.2024
book: A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
so, I just finished this book. I gave the 2-sentence overview of this book to my husband, and his immediate response was: did the author write this book for you?
a vampire and witch romance, that turns into a time-travel romance.
I have 2 romance book loves, and this book pings all and more. now, what I don't like is that in romances, a lot of times there are these crazy, high-tension, war-like battles that we'll be winding up to throughout the book(s)... think how Twilight ends up with a war between the volturi and some other creatures, and the main tension of the books is making sure Bella is safe...
can't I just enjoy the relationship that two people are having and watch it grow? does it have to grow alongside atrocities? I feel like I would enjoy the development of the characters in love much, much more if there wasn't a looming trauma or crazy high stakes. it just reminds me of people coming home from battle and then trying to shove their relationships and lives back into the tiny bottle they were in before, it doesn't work.
and I don't really find the propsect of death as an alluring way to move along why characters love so deeply, or why relationships happen so quickly.
this book luckily doesn't have that, I mean. 6 to 8 weeks is a crazy short time to say "okay, we are bonded for life" but, sometimes books only give people a few days before they are professing how they will die for each other. sure, in the prospect of a creature-race war, I guess the chips will fall where they may. but I would just like to see an incredible world building, a romance budding out of not-traumatic events and high tension/stakes...
and yes, I will be reading the second book in this series.