date: 01.16.2025
product: fond of flowers hand cream
got this hand cream at the traveling shop at work in Tokyo, really liked it. smelled like roses, and it was so soft. I don't think I can find this again since moving... :(
this page is a log for myself to keep track of all the products I have empties of (fully finished products) and my thoughts so I know whether I want to re-buy anything once I use everything up!
date: 01.16.2025
product: fond of flowers hand cream
got this hand cream at the traveling shop at work in Tokyo, really liked it. smelled like roses, and it was so soft. I don't think I can find this again since moving... :(
date: 01.10.2025
product: handcreams from my flight
these two were given to me on the plane to and from moving to Japan, was glad to use them both up entirely. not a good quality, but the peach one smelled nice!
date: 01.01.2025
product: dove deodorant
got this spray deodorant last year/the year before at the gym. don't like it, won't get another one!